
Ask Bob!

September 2000

I am just about to by my first MX-5, and I have found a beautiful, version from 1997. I have tried to search for some general information about the whole history and development for the MX-5, but without any luck. I am thinking about all the changes and also technical data. Where can I find this ?

Peter, Denmark - but I am living in Portugal for the moment

You'll need two separate information sources. Changes are pretty well documented here at, or via links that are here. Start with a look at the FAQ. There's a book on the car which is the best documentation of the development of the original car. It's not-too-cleverly titled "Miata Mazda MX-5 ", by Jack K. Yamaguchi . It was part of a two-volume set (the second book is artsy pictures by a Japanese photographer), and was published by St. Martin's Press. You should be able to track a copy down from ABE Books (


I recently pulled out the head to paint the valve cover and to install a set of new NGK cables. 2 days after, my car is running really bad, specially at very low speed. I ground out the diagnostic box and the computer is reading a "G signal". Can you tell me what this means? I hear a weird noise from inside the valve cover. Please help!

Eli, Miami/Fl/U.S.

Well, to paint the cam cover and replace the plug leads, there's no need to remove the head. That might have been a bit more work than you needed to do. But to make a long story short, I'm afraid I can't tell you what that specific code means.

For what it's worth, If my car was having this problem I would have gone straight to a dealer and had a pro look at it before I started trolling the web.


How many mile offshore does the international waters in the gulf of Mexico begin ?

Greg , USA

Around which country?


hey I'm pretty much a new comer to this sorta stuff, but I'm looking to be buying a Miata soon and I was wondering what some good things to look out for when buying, and what prices are too expensive for mileage and pretty much the low down. I know that's a lot to ask but I would appreciate it if you got back to me.

dave, strongsville/ohio/u.s.a.

Prices? How much does a bag of groceries cost? The Miata's been around long enough (and enough built) that you can find cars that are as ratty as a 1977 Vega (not worth much more either) to cars that have been babied to such a degree you'd think they just rolled off the assembly line. With a Miata (or ANY used car), I'd buy as new a cars as I could afford with a FULL service history. And from the original owner. Generally this is far more critical than merely buying a car with low miles.

My favorite year for Miatas is 1992, but only because it was the last year for Mariner Blue and the only year Yellow was offered.

Prices are a problem, at least for me. Living here in Australia for almost eight years, I have no idea whatsoever as to what Miata prices are doing in the 'States. Check  and see what they can come up with to use as rule of thumb.


Me again, probably sick of me by now, but I feel I should offset some of those "why is my car doing this" questions with some things more abstract. My friends and I play this game often, thought you'd appreciate it, and humor the audience in the process... Presume you have $20,00 US to spend on a Miata, what do you buy? New, or used? Any money left over needs to be spent on aftermarket...etc. stuff and you need to get as close to $20,000 as possible. We sometimes include the possibility of buying other cars, but in this case why?!? Example, I would buy an "R" package for $14,000, add adjustable shocks, for $500, spend another $2000 on wheel and tire sets including 2 sets of racing wheels and tires, $500 on a Supertrap exhaust, $1000 on a good rollbar and restraint/fire system. The remainder would be used for SSB (Showroom Stock) race entry fees.

Todd Murray, Brookfield, WI USA

Regular correspondent Todd, eh? Howzitgoing? Okeh, with $20,000, here's what I'd do;

1992 Yellow limited edition

That'd probably keep me happy. For a few decades at least.


We are road testing a '99 Miata mx5 for a couple of days to buy maybe, my wife has gone nuts over it, but I consider it as a toy not practable. There is no front grill installed in front of the radiator, the air intake is open, should there a grill in place or do they come without one? Thank you for any help.

marvin turner, elizabeth city NC

There are a number of aftermarket grille inserts for the Miata. Check the vendor area at for ideas.

As for being a toy, well, its close to it. However I'd hardly call a gas-swilling pig like a 4WD that will never set a tire off the pavement "practable" or practical. Gimme a toy any day.


Please tell me you can find a better picture of yourself. When I show friends this site, they look at me like I'm whacked and point, giggling, at your photo.

Mastion Gregory, T.O/Ont/Can

We're working on it. I sent one in which I preferred, but Webmaster Gary didn't like it. So the search goes on...


Note from Webmaster Gary: This is true. Bob sent us a photo, but it was so small, we couldn't even tell it was him in the pic, so we declined. C'mon, Bob - send a good one!

You may have been asked before but is it normal for mc5's to 'Tramline'? Even with 14" wheels? If so what is the reason? Thanks

ian clarke, birmingham/england

Never been asked about MC-5s, but in the case of MX-5s it's usually due to the specific tire fitted. The car is VERY sensitive to road surface variation and there's a world of difference between tires. Just an artifact of dimensional package, the open body, suspension design and tuning.


What is the easiest way to put on a front left fender? I had to get a new one because a Ford Expedition tried to run over my car.

Kevin Rosselot, Carriere,MS USA

I suspect the easiest way is to take it to a good body shop. The second easiest would be to invest in a body service manual and a good set of tools.



Thomas MILLS, los angeles, california

If you're talking a bout a smooth, straight road and a Z3 2.8 or Z Roadster, well, the Miata won't come off too well. If you're thinking of a four-cylinder Z3, then you ARE joking about the 'what's under the hood' comment, aren't you? Right?

Mind you, if I was in your situation, I'd save some bucks, buy the Miata and use the left over money to buy a keyboard with a functioning shift key.


I'm sorry to be asking you something which I should find elsewhere but I can't. I love my 10AE but how can I remove the terrible yellow warning signs on the visors? And why did they think they needed them?

Jerry Franek, York,PA,USA

You could re-cover the visors, that'd eliminate the warning labels. Why did they need them? I suspect people's love of litigation was a factor...


Editor's note: Info on this can be found in the FAQ.

Hello Bwob. Since buying my Miata eight months ago (the best eight months of my life), I've begun to notice other convertibles on the road. People seem to be very reluctant to put their tops down unless the weather is just right. I don't agree, but I can understand it. What I can't understand is why people leave their windows up when they've got the top down. Are they afraid of being hit by rotten vegetables? Is this a Northeast US thing? Please help.
Yours, Fred.
PS You're column is terrific, and I'm not just saying that.

Fred G., Montclair, NJ

That's beyond me as well, and it's not isolated to the Northeast portion of the North American continent - we see it here in Australia as well. When Karen's out in the car with me and she sees anyone with the top down and side windows up, she screams "WUUSSSS!" at 'em. It's like windblockers. If you don't want your hair blown you can

A) wear a cap/hat/scarf

B) Buy a coupe.

Bald bwob

I have never seen a Mazda Miata, but I really like the way the they look. Are Miata's very reliable for everyday driving?

Jessi, Missouri

Moreso than a Chevy Suburban. Harder to hit as well.


Every once in awhile I'll get the smell of gasoline in the trunk, is that normal or that's a leak somewhere? Recently I've covered my Miata while I'm out of town, when I got back into the car after a week, the whole interior smell full of gasoline. Please advise.

Eric Siow,

No, it's not normal. I'm surprised you didn't take the car to let a professional look at it when you first noticed the smell.


I can't find what I want so I'm thinking of building it. Can I take a 1981-1987 diesel motor & the transmission out of their small pickup truck and put it in the next pickup model they made - 1988-1990? It will be a 4X4, I think new motor mounts and maybe trany mounts might have to be welded in but will everything else just be a hookup? Alot depends on the frame and if there were changes in these years. Sure wish an American Mfg. would make a 4cyl. diesel with great MPG in a small 4X4 pickup or SUV but they don't so I may have to do the swap.

Lauren Sanders, St. Petersburg, FL. USA

Lauren, there are quite a few of what you describe in Japan and Europe, even a few sold here in Australia. But as for doing it yourself, well, if you have enough time and money you can do almost everything. Not that diesels, pick-ups and four-wheel drives have anything to do with Miatas.


Hi Bob, I would like to have DRL's (Day time Running lights)on my 2000 Miata. My local dealer can't find a part number for them. All Miatas in Canada should have them. Do you know who I could contact to get the Mazda part. I would like to have my Fog lights as the DRL's.

Steve, Mickleton, NJ

Yes, if you want your Miata to look like a Chevy Cavalier there are a number of ways. Don't forget the daylight running lights as required under Transport Canada rules don't use foglamps, but extra-bright parking lamps.

1) Go to a big library and look at a Canadian Yellow Pages. Public Libraries in California had out of state phone directories, so I'm assuming the situation in The Garden State is similar. In the Yellow Pages, find a Mazda dealer (they're listed alphabetically under 'Auto') and get the phone number. Dial the area code and number and ask to talk to the people in the parts department. Explain what you want to do. They may be able to help. With your credit card details, they'll probably be able to send you all the parts you need. Perhaps even with a service manual for instructions.

2) Get in your car, drive to Canada. Using a local Yellow Pages, locate a Mazda dealer. Drive your car to the service department and let them put the daylight running lights in. While this may cost more, if you are morally bankrupt you could smuggle some cigarettes into Canada to defray some of the costs.

3) Put six-volt bulbs into the parking light sockets and hard wire the lights the ignition.You'll probably have to change them frequently, but it'll give your Miata that real GM look.


I have a 1999 Miata with 15" tires as part of the factory package. The tires are Michelin, Pilot SX, 195/50R15, Radial X, SX-GT, 82v, Treadwear 180, Traction A, Temperature A, Maximum Pressure 51psi. My question is - what tire pressure should I maintain under normal conditions in order to avoid dented rims from potholes, etc.

Sally Brown, Inverness, FL USA

This is a radical idea, but I'd take a look in the glovebox and pull out the book titled "Mazda Miata Owner's Manual". Look in the index for "tire pressures" and fill the tires to the pressures noted therein. I'd also attempt to avoid potholes wherever possible.


My question is "Where is Nissan in the roadster craze?". Mazda has the Miata, BMW has the Z3, Honda just came out with the S2000 (isn't funny how the new Z3 and S2000 sorta look like the Miata?), the Audi TT Roadster, Mercerdes has the SLK, and Toyota as the MR2 Spyder. So, where's Nissan, back when they were known as Datsun they had a roadster actually called the roadster. Are they ever planning on throwing their hat in the ring and bring back their roadster or stick with SUV's and Sedans?

Mike, Las Vegas, NV

Nissan is a little preoccupied trying to survive the end result of some poor financial management and French ownership. May God have pity on Nissan...

Thank God they're still building the SR20DE engine!


Are you black or Chinese?

Shlomo, Los Angeles, CA

Neither. I'm Besarovian.


My A/C button came out and off of the post yeater ('90). There was a little copper piece of sheet metal left in the barrel of the control and I am not sure how it all goes back together. I cannot use the button, it will not activate or de-activate the switch. I need to use the post still in the "barrel" Any suggestion?

Jeff Danforth, Raleigh, NC

Yes. Buy a new switch. After ten years it deserves replacement. If that's too expensive as a one-time cost, just think of the all money you can save - and on an ongoing basis - if you stop buying gasoline.


Hi Bob, I recently bought a used Miata that was rear ended, but it drives fine, except for the fishtailing when I make hard right turns. I had the car aligned, and the techs said that everything is within specs. It does not fishtails on left turns though. Can you help?

Quang, Ontario Ca

In a word, nope. Diagnosing things mechanical by e-mail isn't any different from dropping a note to your doctor about a sore back. While somebody might get lucky and stumble upon the proper diagnosis, you're a lot better off seeing a specialist - especially one who has the opportunity to get 'hands-on' with the patient to fix things properly.

If you had a doctor diagnose a medical disorder you had who said there's nothing wrong despite the fact you were still in pain, what would you do? Get a second opinion, right? Well, treat the car that way IF you're convinced there's a problem.

While I'd love to be of more help, I can't make an educated guess without getting my hands on the car. Believe me the cost of shipping here to Sydney to look at it would hardly be cost-effective.


The dealers have this great computer program; all the parts, parts #s, and diagrams of every part on the Miata. Where can we get a program like that.

jay, calif.

Well, I think the easiest way is to get a Mazda retail franchise. Or have a friend who's a dealer principal who'd let you bootleg the software and share his passwords with you. Not that either would be particularly easy, mind you.


Back to Ask Bob!

30 August, 2000

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