
DeLan Trailer hitch

[7/23/2008] Reviewed by: -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Hidden trailer hitch, bolt or weld in 1.25" hitch hole, 3000lb max trailer, 300lb max hitch weight rating.

$50 labor to have it welded in by Muffler shop.

Used it with many hitch items: jet ski, small trailer, cargo carrier/like Suvs all over town, 3 bike carrier, ski and snowboard carrier, and 9 foot surfboard support! Fantastic item.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

[12/16/2006] Reviewed by: Mark Trochimowicz

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Trailer Hitch

Since this was installed on an NB, you have to drill the four holes for the hitch to attach...doesn't sound hard in theory, but once you see where the top holes need to be, the process immediately gets more difficult. I ended up having to buy a flexible adapter for my drill to allow me to start the upper holes. Without it, I could not start the hole and the bit kept slipping. Once I had the correct tools, however, the process went fairly smoothly. It was really difficult to tighten the driver side upper bolt because my FM Duals were in the way, but those without this exhaust shouldn't have a big problem.

Overall, I'm happy with the look (unobtrusive) and it seems very sturdy. Initially, it will be used for a bike rack, but I'll most likely get a small trailer, as well, so I can haul more cumbersome things when the need arises.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Dalan trailer hitch

[9/24/2003] Reviewed by: John Daeschner -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

Receiver type trailer hitch for Miata, comes with draw bar, under $200.

I read a couple of reviews that seemed to slam this hitch, but my experience was a good one. I bought this product new about two years ago and it installed easily. I do feel you need to have a bit of experience working on cars and you should be able to work with tools in confined spaces - but installation was really no big deal. Patience, perhaps, is the best tool of all. My hitch bolted up like a dream in less than an hour and I found it to be well made, nicely painted and a perfect fit. It also came with a quality draw bar with appropriate offset. No cutting or drilling or anything is required during installation - if you're using a drill you're doing something dreadfully wrong. I use this hitch to tow a small sailboat, total trailer wieght is about 400lbs., I have no problems with this small load.

A good looking, well made hitch that fit perfectly. Came well packed and very complete. A little tricky to install but not beyond the capacity of the average person who owns his/her own tools. Can be removed with zero damage, you'd never know it had ever been installed.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

DaLan trailer hitch

[9/3/2003] Reviewed by: robijn

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

This is the hidden hitch sold by Serious Auto. The hitch receiver is totally hidden underneath the car.

Installation is difficult, because you need to drill the holes to mount the hitch receiver (this may be different for the M1). The lower holes are not easy to begin with, but the upper holes are near impossible because you need to drill under an angle. Initially I skipped the upper holes all together, but later I managed to get one side done. I upgraded the bolts and nuts to Grade 8, not sure if that is really needed. Once installed this is an excellent product. I use it with an Just Rite bike rack (also convertible to a ski rack), which fits in the trunk. Because I bolted the receiver, I check the tightness of the nuts regularly. Also, the powercoated paint doesn't really hold up. I had to treat it for rust and repaint it after the winter.

I think this is the best addition to my car, as it made me realize I could get rid of my 2nd car (that I used primeraly to carry my bike). I recommend this product to anyone that owns a bike!

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

[6/11/2003] Reviewed by: gary palmer -

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Dalan trailer hitch 247262

The best price found on a new one was $164.00 less 10 %about$148 plus shipping of 22.50…but I did not get that one I found a used one on eBay for $35.00 shipping was $30.00 total price $65.00 but there was no bolts or hardware kit.“K-247262 (Hardware Only NO BALLMOUNT/Pin/Clip) $45.00 shipped (48 states) “The handle nuts can not be removed once installed or so they say because they bend up and brake on install.The has a tag on it that says 2000lb max tow and 200 lb tongue weight. But the install sheet says Catalogue number 247262, application Mazda miata, hitch capacity 1000 lb gross trailer weight 100 pounds maximum tongue load OR the maximum load specified by the vehicle manufacturer WHICHEVER IS LESS. My owners manual says don’t tow anything.It looks like to me that most if not all hitches for a miata are 1000 lb and 100 tongue max.The mounting system is just plain bad. You can leave the tow hooks on with hitch.

If I ever did it over I would not get a dalan I would get the hitch that mounts in place of rear tow hooks.I tried to install with out kit and is very hard not sure if it can be done at all. The essayist way with out the kit would be to drill hole though the post it mounts to but I needed to remove bumper or cover to do that but in the end it may have saved a lot of time and been stronger. So I made 2 handle nuts from 7/16 lock nuts and welded a 1/8 strip of steel on to the nut to get it up there. Still a pain get nut on bolt and to get tight enough is very hard. I should have ground down the end of bolt to a point to hold nut in place better to start it. I ended up tighten the bolts as best I could and had the hitch welded to car frame. Then I needed to get BALLMOUNT/PIN/CLIP/ BALL cost $35.00.If you can get a new hitch for $150.00 what a used one worth? All the hardware for the hitch is about $80.00... I think I should have gone new and had the right parts!

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Back to Product Reviews 10 August, 2008

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