Apex Wheels

K & N Typhoon Intake

[4/11/2011] Reviewed by: Dennis Armstrong - Miata42@comcast.net

Applicable to: '99-'05 1.8 liter

K & N Typhoon Intake, Replacement intake system

Easy to install. I was amazed at the difference it made. 3.7 H.P at the wheels. What a nice sound at full throttle!

I strongly recommend installing this on any NB Miata. Oh an additional benefit is about 2 MPG improvement in fuel economy

Under 5 minutes to remove

K&N 57I

[11/13/2008] Reviewed by: Chuck Knight - Redryderm@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '06+

K&N 57I

I received the K&N 57I intake yesterday and installed it on my 2008 Mazda MX5. I am VERY disappointed in the item for the money. The cold air expandable tube is impossible to use on this car. It will not fit beside the engine as described in the instructions, and you would need to cut a hole in the underside dust pan even if it did.

The price value of this item is very poor. $200 for a $40 filter, a $20 MAF tube and a $10 bracket.......... Stay with stock air box and get a drop in filter................

Under 5 minutes to remove

K&N Typhoon

K&N Typhoon Intake

[6/18/2006] Reviewed by: Jim

Applicable to: '99-'05 1.8 liter

Moss Motors sent the wrong color part – even though the invoice indicates the correct color.

Straight-forward, easy install. Under 1 hour for a total novice – I have never even changed my own oil. A little lube on the hose clamps will ease installation into the manifold and the mass air sensor. It slopes a bit to the driver’s side, but this is only a cosmetic issue. The throttle response is dramatically improved. I was concerned that the sound would be obnoxiously loud – this is not the case. At cruising throttle, i.e., the highway or casual city driving, it is no different from stock; under heavy acceleration the sound is pleasingly loud. Highly recommended.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

K&N Typhoon Short Ram Intake

[4/8/2006] Reviewed by: James Herron - jimherron118@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

Conical Air Filter with polished intake tract for a 2003 LS. Ordered from N2 Performance for $157.46

Extremely easy install (under 45 min. in the dark) with very good instructions. I could not believe the difference that the intake alone made. During normal driving the intake noise is only slightly louder than stock while at WOT, it is nothing short of LOUD! A slight HP gain is noticable though not as much as when I put a K&N Filtercharger on my 5.0 Mustang (about 3-5 I would guess). Fuel mileage is still unknown but will likely drop due to my inability to keep my foot out of it just to listen to the intake. Fit and finish are excellent though the air temp. sensor bung could stand to be a little tighter. I'll just have to watch it to make sure it stays in place.

An excellent product for anyone looking for a few more ponies, some flash under the bonnet and some sweet noise while climbing up the gears.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

K&N Typhoon Intake System

[9/19/2005] Reviewed by: Gary Peacock - garpea@zoomtown.com

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

Replacement intake tube and cone air filter, high flow, K&N part no. 69-6000 for 1999-2004 Miata 1.8 L.
Ordered from 4filters.com, comes with easy to follow installation instructions. Upon installation discovered that a hose clamp was missing from the kit, and the rubber bung designed to hold the air sensor into the intake tube was too small outside diameter to fit snugly in the intake tube. After calling 4filters.com, they directed me to K&N for replacement parts. They were recieved one week after calling K&N. The rubber bung was the same as original and was too loose. I called K&N tech support and was advised to either tape it in place or remove unit for refund. They were aware of the problem but did not have the correct size bung. Their advice was fix it yourself or send it back. It is not too hard to rig up a "fix", but I was very dissappointed in that advice from K&N on a $200.00 kit.

I would avoid this kit and go with Monster flow.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

K&N Free Flow Air Filter

[5/27/2003] Reviewed by: David - redlineracing@excite.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

K&N Universal Air Filter Cone Style KN# RU-3550 KN# RB-0910

As always,Great Air Flow from K&N.I use KN on all my(3)cars.

Why buy an expensive Intake.Take off the stock air box and plastic parts.Use a hose clamp(screw-on) and clamp either filter on the end of the Mass Air Sensor. Cost of filter is about $23 bux. Good airflow and sound.Is it as good as the oversize Intakes? Probably not,butit's about $100+ cheaper and the little miata engine does know the diff.Your wallet will.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[3/19/2003] Reviewed by: Steve Tsao - Tsaorunner@aol.com

Applicable to: '99 +

Rechargeable air filter that is supposed to breathe better and improve performance

Easy product to install, just like any other air filter. Did not notice a performance increase at all.

The only benefit I can see with this product is that you don't have to buy another filter ever again. Just clean it out with the recharger kit. Don't expect anything great here.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[2/5/2003] Reviewed by: Joe

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

Just a K&N drop in filter i bought for $35. Takes less than a minute to install. It should last for the life of your miata because it can be cleaned and reused.

Noticed better throttle response right away. Does sound a little louder than stock but nice tone. Will save you gas because it allows car to breathe easier.

Definitely worth the money. If you can't afford to spend $200 for and intake kit, then this will do.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[1/24/2003] Reviewed by: Michael Sage - immikeurnot@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Replacement air filter, long-life, high-flow, oiled cotton gauze.

Most of the reviews I've read here seem to be written by people who recently put the K&N in their car. I've used K&N in almost every car I've ever owned, and the results were almost the same. Better throttle response, especially noticeable at lower RPM, better percieved power, etc. My 1995 Miata is the first car I've ever owned that has a mass-air sensor however. The 1.6l cars use a trap-door air meter, whereas the 1.8l cars use a heated wire style. The problem I've had with the K&N is oil from the filter contaminating my air sensor. This isn't an issue with the trap-door sensor, only the heated-wire. The filter oil coats the sensor, making the car run a rich at idle, and lean at WOT (causing spark-knock!!!) Periodic cleaning takes care of this, but you have to be careful to use a cleaner that won't leave any kind of residue, or the problem will persist.

A very good filter if you have a 1.6, or a 1.8 with an aftermarket computer that allows for removal of the MAF, or if you don't mind cleaning the MAF occaisionally with non-clor brake cleaner. If I had it all to do over, though, I'd probably get a JR or similar.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[12/19/2002] Reviewed by: collinchung - collinchung@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

K&N drop-in replacement air filter

overall improvement over the stock air filter. it is a little growlier and gives more response from throttle, but very slight. the sound difference is also slight, but noticeable if you listen for it. i've switched back and forth from my stock filter many times just to test the performance out. generally the K&N is better, but the difference is nothing to go crazy about. what can you expect from a cheap mod? i'm thinking that i should have just spent the extra money to get a cold air or ram intake. i will soon.

if you are poor and want something that will give you more free flow, get this. but if you are expecting more suction, then spend the extra bucks and get away from the air box and get a cone type filter system.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[9/10/2002] Reviewed by: Bob Rodriguez - bobrodrye@aol.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

This is a drop in replacement for the OEM air filter. Price about $35.00 from Moss. This is a low restriction,long life, filter (made of pre-oiled cotton) to help the engine breath easier.

No tools, 2 minute install on my 1999. Instant and obvious improvement in throttle response. If you still use a paper filter switch now, you'll be delighted!

I could kick myself for not having done this sooner. Car runs better at all speeds but especially at higer RPMs. Probably 90% as effective as expensive intake systems and without all the intake noise associated with removing the airbox.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[12/23/2001] Reviewed by: Larry Wilson - llwwww@aol.com

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

Performance high flow intake filter.

Definite low frequency growl at idle. A little noisier at WOT. Improved throttle reponse. Slight loss in MPG in my case on first tank but most like causes were: A. failure to lift accelerator pedal from floor. B. loose nut behind the wheel. I love it.

One of the best cheap mods available IMHO.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[6/29/2001] Reviewed by: chris tran - cxc44@yahoo.com

Applicable to: 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

drop-in air filter to replace stock

takes no time at all and now it seems to breather better. definite improvement in fuel efficiency.

warranted for million miles...

Under 5 minutes to remove

[4/28/2001] Reviewed by: Nathan Wambold - ngwambold@aol.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

The K&N Free Flow Filter is a direct replacement filter for the standard, stock filter

I was looking for a cheap way to improve horsepower and do this without having to have a lot of mechanical ability (because I don't). The thing takes about five minutes once you take off the air box lid. It fit snugly, but perfectly.

Once it was in, I felt a noticeable difference as I wound the engine out to about 5K RPMs. I'm not sure if this is just a placebo effect, but I don't think so. As I have read the other reviews of this same product it is noteworthy that most sensed performance gains. One thing is for sure, the noise of rushing air is definitely there. I'd recommend it!

Under 5 minutes to remove

[3/20/2001] Reviewed by: rick silberman - ricksilb@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '99 + 1.8 liter

K & N replacement air filter

Filter went in literally with a snap. There was an immediate improvement in performance. First mod for my 2000 LS and it is a great investment for under 40 bucks. Highly recommend!

Mellower, deeper exhaust tone and more power. Drove to LA from Vegas and back and did not notice any improvement in gas mileage. Could my average speed of 95 mph have anything to do with this?? :-)

Under 5 minutes to remove

[1/28/2001] Reviewed by: Kirk Macnider - kirkvw72@aol.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Hi flow, hi filtration, replacement filter

Excellent! 2 minutes to install. Instant improvements in throttle response and high-end (4000 rpms and above) power. Don't forget fuel economy gains.

The last filter you ever have to buy! Highly recommended.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[12/13/2000] Reviewed by: Joe Hedrick - immunodoc@aol.com 

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

The K&N replacement for the stock filter.

I have noticed only a very slight improvement in power (subjective here) with this filter-i.e. don't expect miracles. The main advantage is being able to clean, recharge, and replace it as needed.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[8/23/2000] Reviewed by John Irby - jtigolf2000@aol.com

Applicable to '90 - '97 1.8 liter

K&N's high performance, cleanable air filter is a drop-in replacement for the stock Miata air filter. It costs $32 from my local Discount Auto Parts store, but will outlast 10 stock air filters (with regular cleaning) - a true bargain!

The K&N filter fits perfectly in the stock airbox. Since installation, I have experienced a 10% gain in fuel economy and much smoother throttle response.

The K&N air filter is probably the most cost-effective performance enhancement available for the Miata. If you are a new Miata owner looking for a bit more zip, start with this upgrade first.

Under 5 minutes to remove

[6/30/2000] Reviewed by Rickie Garcia - LOvers1525@aol.com

Applicable to '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

This is there 1 million mile drop-in filter that simply replaces the stock unit.

The filter took about five minutes to install, including the opening of the box. It simply replaces the stock filter in the air box. The exhaust note was change to a louder note. There is also the song of the air being sucked in coming from the engine compartment. The difference is noticeable especially if your original filter was dirty. I recommend this filter for anyone that's saving for something larger like a CIA or turbo.

Under 5 minutes to remove

Reviewed by: Daniel Briscoe - procorp@rocketmail.com

This an additional filter offered by K&N that an Italian Rally racer introduced me to. I was able to install it on my 94 1.8L for under $50.00!  It is the standard cone style everyone is familiar with, but, includes a rubber boot molded into the design of  the filter. Installation requires the removal of  the entire air box assembly. The boot can then be directly attached to the air flow sensor for an immediate improvement in airflow. A custom bracket will need to be fabricated to support the filter.  For even better placement, the accordion style  intake tract can be shortened and the air flow sensor and filter directly attached. This places the filter directly behind the headlight assembly allowing a more direct access to cold air. This is especially noticeable with the headlights up (acting as air scoops) or with turn signal intakes. Performance is increased as well as the under the hood and exhaust sounds.

K&N Filtercharger

[10/15/2003] Reviewed by: Keith Kimble - kjkmd@aol.com

Cone-tupe low-restriction intake air filter and adaptor that replaces stock filter and sir-box. 50 state legal and CARB approved.

Installation about two hours for us non-grease-monkeys. Instructions are decent, but not perfect --orientation of the heat shield takes some figuring out, and the Z-bracket needs to mount directly to the stud, under the existing bracket for the stock whatchamacallit. Does seem a might pricy for what is basically an adaptor plate, filter housing, and a lifetime filter, but if you're willing to spend $40 for the filter alone, $180 for the complete system isn't much of a stretch. This is a reasonable do-it yourself project for anyone with rachet wrench and screwdriver skills if you're willing to devote a Saturday am or pm to it. Make sure to stop by the local hardware store on your way home Friday night to pick up a tube of thread locking compound--otherwise you and your OEM air-boxless Miata will have to wait for your wife to get home from getting her legs waxed in the middle of the project.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

5/23/2002] Reviewed by: Ken Turnbull - kmt@westman.wave.ca

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

This is a complete kit to replace your air filter and intake box.

The product was ordered from Moss in California and took just 3 days to receive. All instructions were included and easy to follow

The total install was under 2 hours with no poblems whatsoever. The sound and performance is quite noticeable and it looks great. The only glitch was that I had to modify my shock tower brace on the drivers side to clear the filter, but it only needed 1/4 inch to clear so a little work with the welder solved that. Great modification and would recommend it highly.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

[4/20/2001] Reviewed by: Scott Spike - Scott@spike.cc

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

This unit is a low-restriction cone-type air filter that replaces the stock air box and filter.

I put the Filtercharger on my '91 within a year of purchasing the car. It has since been transplanted onto my '93, and is in great shape! The install (Both times...) required little time and few tools, and does not permanently alter the car in any way. The only bother was trying to find a place to store the stock air box in case I wanted to remove the Filtercharger, and return the car to stock. After a hurricane took the stock system away for good, I realized that I can always get another one by buying another Miata! Just swap systems and sell the older car! Anyone can install/remove this part.

The good news is that you'll never want to remove it! Throttle response seems to be snappier, and it was a great compliment to my Trust cat-back exhaust. (Until that rusted out. I thought it was supposed to be stainless...) There is a mellow and subtle resonance that is especially pleasant at full throttle between 3000-4000 rpm. There is more sound than with the stock system at any rpm, but it is good sound. Not at all loud... Cleaning is simple: Remove filter from the car, spray with cleaning solution, rinse, dry, oil, and re-install. Drying the filter takes longer than all the other steps combined, but requires no effort... The biggest problem is not being able to drive the car for about an hour. :) This is a high quality part that I can recommend without reservation. Buy one!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Reviewed by: Bryan Carper - BCarper@AOL.com

Replacement for the stock air box and panel air filter. The kit comes with excellent instructions, and installation was under two hours with only a socket wrench and screwdriver. A tubular cotton gauze air filter mounts to the end of the long air snorkel. The end cap is chromed, setting off the chrome camshaft cover from MotorSport. Used along with the Borla catback exhaust, my 93 C now effortlessly powers into the redband. The stock air box/muffler are too restrictive. The combination is probably worth 8 hp, but the ease of acceleration and smooth power across the tach are definitely worth the price. K&N includes a recharging kit, essentially a cleaner and re-oiler, so the new air induction filter is a lifetime purchase. Outstanding value and great execution, please it looks really good in the black engine bay.

Reviewed by: Richard Dekker - rdekker@telusplanet.net

Replaces stock snorkel, air box, & filter with a round conical K&N air filter element & heat shield.

Very easy installation with well written instructions. Removing the stock components is simple and attaching the aluminum adapter plate, brackets, heat shield, & filter element to the Mass Airflow Sensor & car is an easy 40 minute job. Once in, the unit is very sturdy, held to the car with two brackets and one to the extra heat shield which is bolted to the car. Once installed, the kit looks great under the hood.

Before taking the car apart, I conducted a few performance tests, which were repeated later with the new intake system. The tests were done on a level straight piece of road in second gear. Each test was conducted five times and averaged. Before: 2,000 rpm to 4,000 rpm = 4.06 seconds; 4,000 rpm to 6,000 rpm = 3.83 seconds. After: 2,000 rpm to 4,000 rpm = 3.80 seconds; 4,000 rpm to 6,000 rpm = 3.38 seconds. These numbers are 0.26 & 0.45 seconds faster respectively. The tests consisted of driving at a steady throttle, 500 rpm below the lower limit when full throttle was applied. Timing commenced when the tach crossed the lower limit. The car now exhibits a noticeable increase in power between 4,250 rpm and redline. Intake growl is present beyond 4,000 rpm and the exhaust note is a bit louder now too, however I don't mind one bit. All in all, I'm very pleased with the kit, it's craftsmanship, and the performance. When I install a Bell/Cartech turbo, I'll still be able to use this intake too.

Reviewed by: Peter Davio - peterd1138@aol.com

High performance air filter

These are only the first two things I have done to my car, a silver 92. They're great. I did both things at the same time, and immediately noticed that the car was significantly quicker off the line.

I am now interested in more info on products like headers and exhaust that may work well with the Bell(?) intercooled supercharger. Has anyone Extrude Honed a Miata Intake? what were the results? What else can be done to this amazing little car?

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3 July, 2011

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