Treasure Coast Miata

Works Bell Quick Release

Works Bell Rapfix QRS Quick Release Spacer

[9/6/2010] Reviewed by: Conrad Zumhagen -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

Steering Wheel Quick Release from MiataRoadster.One in. thick, black crinkle finish.

Wanted the product for easier ingress/egress with race seat installed. Excellent - and a better quality and/or easier fit than others on the market. This one may be a new product available in our market, and is very compact and user-friendly. Though there were no instructions (they're usually in Japanese, but the installation is pretty intuitive and straightforward. It fit nicely with the previously-installed Daikei 601 hub (with airbag light defeat harness) and Nardi steering wheel (although I had to get some shorter allen screws to prevent interference with the QRS hub operation. Black wrinke finish matches the hub, too.

Thanks to Bill Wilner at MiataRoadster for his personal phone consultation and good service. I would recommend this source for this and related parts (hubs, etc.). Though it takes up/adds minimal (1") space, I may now also consider the Works Bell 910S short steering wheel hub (which wasn't available here until recently).

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

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29 September, 2010

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